
Monday, 29 August 2011

Clean Your Computer Like a Pro

How often do you clean your computer? Not much, right? But if you want it to work properly, you have to clean it at least once a month otherwise the dust that builds up will cause damages and your computer will stop working sooner that it should. Here are several ways to clean it as if it was cleaned by a professional.

Using wet wipes is really effective and more specifically baby wet wipes, because they have normal pH. Before you wipe the keyboard, you can turn it upside down and shake it to let the small particles fall. Then use the wipes to get rid of any any dried spills and stains from the keys. Your cleaning services would give you an advice to shut down the computer in advance.

Another great product that will do a great job and will help you clean your computer like a pro is the vinegar. Make a solution, mixing water and vinegar and use a clean cloth to remove the dust collected over your keyboard. It is important to remember not to spray the mixture to the surface because you will definitely ruin something.

It may sound strange to you that many house cleaning services use glass cleaner in order to clean a computer because of the alcohol it contains. You can also use a clean cloth to wipe and then never sprays. Do not use it to clean the screen either otherwise, this may be the last usage of your computer.


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