Salt stains on your shoes are one reasons more to hate winter. Salt stains are the white marks that appear on your shoes when you've been out in winter time. What causes the so called salt stains? The chemicals that are used to melt the snow cause these ugly white stains. Fortunately, it's quite easy to restore the original look of your shoes following these steps:
1. Make sure that you have white vinegar, towel and clean cotton cloth on hand.
2. Make a cleaning solution of 1/3 cup of white vinegar and 2/3 cup of water.
3. To make your shoes fantastic clean again, get the clean cotton cloth and dip it into the cleaning mixture. Apply on the stain area and rub gently the leather. Ensure that you don't use too much liquid so that you don't saturate the leather.
4. Get a clean cloth moistened with water and rinse the stained area. Then wipe with a clean towel.
5. Let your shoes dry. Cleaners London remind that heat can cause cracks, so ensure that you don't place them near your heater.
6. If the salt stains are more stubborn than you've expected, you may need to repeat the cleaning procedure once again.
White vinegar is a great cleaning products so make sure that you always have a bottle of it at home. Undoubtedly, you'll need it to keep your shoes fantastic clean during the cold and 'dirty' winter months.
Warning: The longer you wait, the harder it will be to clean the salt stains. So don't waste time and get down to cleaning.
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