
Wednesday, 26 October 2011

How to Get Rid of Oven Cleaner Smell

Ovens need to be cleaned form time to time in order dirt and grime to be removed from their surface. However, the cleaning result is not always pleasant as most cleaners leave an overwhelming odour after cleaning that lingers within the oven for the first couple of oven uses. Using a few natural products will safely remove all traces of oven cleaner smell from your oven. To make the suggested odour remover, you will need no more than 15 minutes and be sure that it can remove even the toughest smells.

  1. Make a mixture of 2 cups of warm water, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and ¼ cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the inner side of your oven with the cleaning solution and let it sit for about 5 minutes.
  2. Apply the solution again to the surface and wipe the oven with a large sponge. Spray and wipe all areas of the oven that has been chemical treated, including racks and boilerplates.
  3. Dampen a sponge with plain water and wipe all surfaces to rinse off your cleaner. Set the oven on low temperature, such as 100 degrees, and turn it on for about 20 minutes. This will help the surface to dry quickly, removing completely the vinegar smell. Wait for the oven to cool down and replace all racks.
Open windows to ventilate the room when using chemical oven cleaners. You can avoid easily oven cleaning smell by using only natural products. Contact oven cleaning Soho team, and they would be glad to offer some great natural cleaning ideas.


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