
Monday, 7 November 2011

Housewives vs Househusbands

It is no news that women are becoming more and more manly from day to day. We are looking not only at CEOs, top managers, and chief accountants but also heavy duty jobs like welders, electricians and builders – you may find women at each of these positions and strangely, it is not some rare exception but a pretty normal thing. Seems like women are slowly loosing their femininity and becoming more like men. This is not so curious though. The interesting part is that men are seem to feel pretty comfortable with that.

Many surveys show that more and more men are becoming so called “househusbands” - they tend to stay at home, not having a job sometimes, and letting their wife's to become the source of income to the household. I'm not talking about sharing chores, the usual junk removals or taking out the trash routine, but rather switching their social roles competely – women go to work, all day long, and their husbands stay at home, cleaning, taking children to and from school, cooking and more. And they like it. Alot. Some of the questioned men are admitting that they prefer it this way – no more father not being home all day long, not paying enough attention to his child.

It makes me wonder what will happen to the men in, say 150 years ? Will they still be nececery or just some sort of a luxury ? What about 300 years ? Men on call, entertainment, heavy duty and rubbish removals ? The women have proven themselves time and time again that they can be much stronger than man in almost any comparesment. This is stronger implimented in the western culture but as long as the globalization goes, it slowly spreads to asia as well. Time will tell where this will end.


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