
Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Top 3 Dirtiest Kitchen Devices

Who likes dirty kitchen? May be your husband does but not you, am I right? That's why we will share three dirty kitchen devices with you that need to be cleaned regularly. And not only this, but we are going to tell you how to make them sparkle. Just keep on reading.

The microwave is one of the most frequently used devices and that is why it is one of the most dirtiest. Of course, your domestic cleaner probably clean it every month but this is not enough. Don't be afraid because it is very easy to clean it if you know how. Here is a great method to do it: just place a cup full of water in the microwave for several minutes, then wipe out the food, which the steam will loosen.

I am sure you open the fridge every day and this makes it also one of the frequently used devices. It is important for you to throw old and expired food away on time, otherwise it will start smelling. One of the best ways to clean the fridge is is using baking soda because of its abrasive form. It is also great odour removal but for really bad smelling fridges you can use vinegar. Remember to wipe off the shelves starting from the top and working down.

The oven is the third device that needs to be cleaned more regularly especially by those who use it every day. Here is a tip how to save time and money on cleaning it, instead of hiring professional cleaning services. When you use the oven, just spray it with oven cleaner and let it sit until the next day, when you have to use it again. Then before turning it on, you have to wipe it off. It is as easy as a child's play.


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